Usd historické dáta
Australian - US Dollar Exchange Rate (AUD USD) - Historical Chart. Interactive historical chart showing the daily Australian Dollar - U.S. Dollar (AUDUSD) exchange rate back to 1991.
XAUUSD Gold vs US Dollar XAU USD Historické Forex Data lze vybrat časový rámec a data. XAUUSD - Gold vs US Dollar 1824.12 -0.03% GBPUSD Great Britain Pound vs US Dollar GBP USD Historické Forex Data lze vybrat časový rámec a data. Great Britain Pound vs US Dollar 1.38599 -0.30% UDX/USD = US DOLLAR INDEX in USD UKX/GBP = FTSE 100 in GBP GRX/EUR = DAX 30 in EUR AUX/AUD = ASX 200 in AUD HKX/HKD = HAN SENG in HKD ETX/EUR = EUROSTOXX 50 in EUR. Commodities: WTI/USD = WEST TEXAS INTERMEDIATE in USD BCO/USD = BRENT CRUDE OIL in USD. For all csv data formats including Generic ASCII, MetaTrader, Ninja Trader and MetaStock; The data encompasses most major contracts on US futures exchanges dating back to the 1970’s. All daily historical futures price data is in ASCII/text format easily imported into most spreadsheets or trading software products. Date, open, high, low, close, volume and open interest are columns. Making it ideal for use with your futures price formula calculating … Průměrný kurz měny americký dolar za zvolené období: 1 USD = 22.946 Kč Minimum za období 21.168 (15.2.2021), maximum za období 25.648 (24.3.2020) Kurzy amerického dolaru (USD) To download the Historical Tables as a PDF, click here (362 pages, 6.4 MB). To download the Historical Tables Introductory Text and Section notes as a PDF, click here (23 pages, 212 KB). Spreadsheets Americký dolar (v hovorové angličtině též buck) je oficiální měna Spojených států amerických i některých dalších zemí (Panama, Ekvádor, Salvador, Východní Timor a Zimbabwe se tak rozhodly nezávisle, některé státy dřívějších amerických teritorií v Tichomořských ostrovech si po získání nezávislosti nepřijaly vlastní měnu), další státy pak mají svou Futures contract data download. Download end of day data for many commodity / futures contracts.
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EURUSD - Euro vs US Dollar 1.18926 -0.06% -7.4 Any data and information is provided 'as is' solely for informational purposes, and is not intended for trading USD to AUD | historical currency prices including date ranges, indicators, symbol comparison, frequency and display options for USD/AUD. This website uses google maps. Click here to activate google maps api permanently and also accept that by using the map data will be send to google. Note: You can cancel your agreement by deleting the cookie MWFewoManager_Map. You can read detailed information in our privacy policy.
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Get BASIC (BASIC) USD historical prices. Date Market Cap Volume Open Close; 2020-11-24: $0.00000000 $8,272,324 $0.02489501
historical date. Sep 02, 2020 16:00 UTC. US Dollar 1.00 USD inv. 1.00 USD Sep 18, 2020 · Home > US Dollar Historical Rates Table US Dollar Historical Rates Table Converter Top 10. historical date.
View and download daily, weekly or monthly data to help your 4 hours ago Get historic exchange rates for past US Dollar foreign expenses. Select your currencies and the date to get histroical rate tables. Currency I have: Favorites.
All daily historical futures price data is in ASCII/text format easily imported into most spreadsheets or trading software products. Date, open, high, low, close, volume and open interest are columns. Making it ideal for use with your futures price formula calculating … Průměrný kurz měny americký dolar za zvolené období: 1 USD = 22.946 Kč Minimum za období 21.168 (15.2.2021), maximum za období 25.648 (24.3.2020) Kurzy amerického dolaru (USD) To download the Historical Tables as a PDF, click here (362 pages, 6.4 MB). To download the Historical Tables Introductory Text and Section notes as a PDF, click here (23 pages, 212 KB). Spreadsheets Americký dolar (v hovorové angličtině též buck) je oficiální měna Spojených států amerických i některých dalších zemí (Panama, Ekvádor, Salvador, Východní Timor a Zimbabwe se tak rozhodly nezávisle, některé státy dřívějších amerických teritorií v Tichomořských ostrovech si po získání nezávislosti nepřijaly vlastní měnu), další státy pak mají svou Futures contract data download. Download end of day data for many commodity / futures contracts. Data files are suitable for use in software packages like Microsoft Office. USD: americký dolár: 1,2065 JPY: japonský jen: 135,35 Historické dáta ECB. CSV súbor vhodný pre importovanie do Excelu, od 1999 Historie kurzů měn všech zemí.
How to get Historical FX Data Pick your base currency and the currency (or currencies) you want converted. Choose your timeframe (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually or custom), your rate source (OANDA Rates®, or 40 Central Bank exchange rates), and your price (bid, mid, or ask). I had trouble finding out since their website is pretty much only data but if you pull up 5 minute data on a pair and go to the most recent time it will say for me 20:30 when for me it is 13:30 in California. This is for EUR/USD only, not too sure about the others So, for those Googling, EUR/USD data on is London time based. Get BASIC (BASIC) USD historical prices.
Choose your timeframe (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually or custom), your rate source (OANDA Rates®, or 40 Central Bank exchange rates), and your price (bid, mid, or ask). I had trouble finding out since their website is pretty much only data but if you pull up 5 minute data on a pair and go to the most recent time it will say for me 20:30 when for me it is 13:30 in California. This is for EUR/USD only, not too sure about the others So, for those Googling, EUR/USD data on is London time based. Get BASIC (BASIC) USD historical prices.
Dataset Source : European Central Bank (ECB). ECB reference exchange rate, The ICE Brent Crude futures contract is a deliverable contract based on EFP delivery with an option to cash settle. 31 Dec 2020 MSCI World Index (USD) | Historical data and analysis should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of any future performance Get updated commodity futures prices.
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Get free historical data for US Dollar Index. You'll find the closing price, open, high, low, change and %change for the selected range of dates. The data can be viewed in daily, weekly or monthly
You may also export this information to Excel or another spreadsheet program. 23.11.2020 14.08.2020 USD to ILS currency chart. XE’s free live currency conversion chart for US Dollar to Israeli Shekel allows you to pair exchange rate history for up to 10 years. Důležitá a zajímavá data historie Na této stránce je přehled důležitých událostí v historii českých zemí seřazených chronologicky od nejstarší po nejnovější. 6. a 7. století - Příchod Slovanů.